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Process Documentation: What Is It & How To Do It Well in Your Business

Not every business has formal procedures for conducting daily operations, but they should. Handing down information verbally has drawbacks and can even be dangerous in some industries. As a result, companies must implement process documentation.

What Is Process Documentation?

Documenting processes creates a physical record of steps taken. These records can cover a wide range of processes:

  • Entering and saving data

  • Revising project

  • Transferring funds between accounts

Coworkers and employers can later reference these documents to retrace the employee's steps, which can be invaluable if there's an issue or conflicting reports from customers and workers.

Why Do We Document Processes?

Document processing is helpful in several ways. First, it provides a foundation for patents. Applying for a patent requires a lot of legal paperwork proving the technique or device is unique enough to deserve protection. Documenting the process illustrates each step, providing the United States Patent and Trademark Office with solid evidence to decide.

Written documentation also gives companies a blueprint for upscaling. Businesses can develop effective ways to expand their work by describing each step. As a result, documentation is crucial for startups.

A physical record also makes internal audits much more straightforward. Superiors can compare steps with industry standards and identify areas of waste. Regular audits ensure businesses remain productive and aligned with the latest industry developments.

Finally, written documentation makes passing information to new hires easier.

Experienced staff can record the knowledge they gained in the field, allowing new workers to hit the ground running. This also ensures valuable information is preserved when legacy employees leave.

How To Document Process

The first step is identifying a process and deciding to document it. Some processes are evident, while others may not initially seem worthy of note. For instance, ringing up a purchase has a clear beginning and end, making it obvious. In contrast, calling customers for follow-up may be more casual and, therefore, not require written instructions. It's up to your business to determine if recording such tasks benefits it.

The next step is figuring out the boundaries. Where does one process end and another begin? Speaking with employees who perform these tasks daily is a good idea, as they'll have insight into this topic. They may offer different opinions, but multiple perspectives give you a bigger picture, allowing you to define the boundaries accurately.

Next, record the following:

  • The result you want from the process

  • What you need to start the process

  • Steps connecting the two

Once you write down the steps, record the roles utilizing the process. For instance, data entry specialists will use data entry processing documentation. Tailor your documents to the lowest common denominator so employees reading them for the first time can easily follow the instructions.

You can then create a visual model for the process. Flow charts work well, allowing you to incorporate exceptions from the main instructions easily.

The last step is to test and revise documentation as necessary. You should revisit the documentation regularly to update any steps that have changed.

How To Do It Well in Your Business

Documenting processes can be complex, primarily if you work in IT and other specialized industries. These tips can help you effectively implement it:

  • Make records readily available to appropriate roles.

  • Stay open to feedback from employees utilizing these processes.

  • Use a process documentation template to save time.

When looking for a template, check out examples for the task you want to record. Not every template will work for every job, so source multiple examples.

With the help of experienced workers and a process document template, you can record your business's most important tasks. The sooner you organize the information, the faster you can enjoy the benefits.


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