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How to Change Your Email Signature in Outlook

Research shows that more than 347 billion emails have been sent in 2023, an increase of more than 4% since 2022. By 2024, experts believe more than 361 billion will be sent per day. As a business owner, you will likely send a lot of emails. When you need to include important information, typing it each time becomes tedious. Instead of typing out your contact information at the end of each email, create an Outlook email signature. An email signature lets you provide the same information in every message you send.

Create an Outlook Signature

Creating an Outlook email signature offers a lot of benefits. When you have an email signature, you create a professional first impression on people who contact you. A strong signature promotes brand awareness, enhances marketing efforts, and promotes content. You may even get more social media followers. The right signature builds trust and even improves your overall customer service.

Set Up an Outlook Signature

Adding an email signature to Outlook is easier than you think. When you're signed in to the application, look at the top right-hand corner of your screen and select the gear icon. From there, choose "View all outlook settings." Next, choose "compose and reply" and then scroll down to the section that says "email signature." Tap on the "new signature" prompt. From there, you can write and format your Outlook email signature.

Edit an Outlook Signature

Now that you know how to change email signatures in Outlook, editing one is easy. You follow the path you took to create the signature in the first place. Then, choose the one you want to edit and begin reformatting. You can even include a picture by selecting "insert pictures inline." This way, you can add an image of your signature to your email. You can also use it to insert a picture of your company's logo or even add an image of something currently on sale with a link to the product itself.

Tips For Creating a Professional Email Signature

It's essential to remember a few tips while creating your professional email signature in Outlook. First, use consistent branding. Ensure the color scheme, logo, and brand voice are all the same across the board. It's also important to double-check links before adding them to ensure they work. Think about the font you use as well. Ensure it's easy to read and in line with the font you use to compose your emails. Reread any contact information you add to the signature, including your phone number, office address, or the hours your business is open. Finally, remember to include white space. Too much text clumped together is chaotic and hard to read, so include some spacing between information.

What To Include in an Email Signature

You must include the correct information in your email signature to ensure it's doing its best work for you. In addition to your first and last name, add your affiliation, such as your department and title. Other items to add include your social media information, booking links, a logo, and pronouns. Adding secondary contact information like a phone number and a solid call to action is also a good idea.

Including an up-to-date, personalized signature in your email is a professional way to promote your company and ensure potential clients that you are serious about your business. Ensure you update it with the correct contact information or new product information as it becomes available. This ensures you continue your professional image.


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