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What Should You Include in Your Morning Routine for Productive Work Day

Most people do not start their day planning on it being unproductive. Something happens between the alarm clock and arriving at work that somehow affects the entire projection of the day ahead. A poor morning routine can derail confidence, energy, and ambition. How can you maintain focus and arrive at work feeling energized and ready to go?

If you want to change your daily outlook, it all starts with a healthy morning routine. The habits that start your day often drive the energy levels throughout. Try adopting the following six habits into your morning to ensure a productive day.

1. Get Enough Rest

Did you know that 50 to 70 million Americans have sleep disorders or that roughly one-third get fewer than seven hours of sleep per night? Many people are chronically tired because of stress and poor sleep habits, and that tiredness can lead to chronic health conditions like obesity, depression, and heart disease.

At a minimum, adults need seven hours of sleep per night. If you are not getting that minimum requirement, you are more likely to become tired during the day and even fall asleep while driving. To improve your nightly respite, turn off all electronic devices, like tablets, laptops, and televisions, at least one to two hours before bed. Also, you can turn down the lights to increase melatonin production. Lastly, keep your bedroom dark to encourage a restful night.

2. Drink Water and Eat a Healthy Breakfast

If you find that your existing morning routines leave you with low energy levels, try adding a healthy breakfast. Also, water is crucial to maintaining optimum bodily functions. A nutritious breakfast can boost energy levels and promote concentration and focus.

Many people avoid breakfast altogether, or they focus on carb-heavy options. Too many carbs can make you feel sluggish and tired. You must balance your breakfast with lean proteins, fruits, and veggies for an energy boost.

3. Enjoy a Morning Workout

Exercise produces the body’s happiness hormones, which improve your outlook on the day ahead. Also, a morning workout can bolster energy levels, improve focus, and lower blood pressure. Therefore, adding a morning workout to your routine can reduce stress and enhance mental alertness for your busy morning.

4. Meditate and Focus on Self-Care

For many people, the morning hours are the most productive in a work day. Unfortunately, many people focus on things that bring them a lot of stress and anxiety during those hours, resulting in little progress and a lot of frustration. Meditation and self-care can help ease feelings of stress and anxiety, allowing you to focus on the most important things.

Either before you get to the office or once you arrive, take a few minutes to gather your thoughts and focus on the day you want to have. If you are unsure how to meditate or feel strange, you can use an app with guided meditations. The point of meditation is to let go of stress and embrace the moment, which can help you become more productive.

5. Allow for Enough Commuting Time

Commuting is one of the worst parts of any daily routine. You can make your commute more manageable by giving yourself enough time in the morning, even if that means waking up 15 to 30 minutes earlier.

6. Prioritize Important Tasks

You must know how you want to spend your time to have a productive day at work. Look at your tasks daily and prioritize them, knocking out the most important ones first and giving yourself a break on the lower-level tasks if necessary.

A healthy morning routine is the best way to start your day and be more productive. The routine should provide more energy and focus for the day ahead. If you need more details, speak with a time management professional.


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