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Computer Speakers Echoing? Here's How to Fix It

Understanding why your device is not working correctly can help you resolve issues quickly and save you a lot of lost productivity. It's usually easier than waiting for an expert to troubleshoot it; you can always call experts later. When it comes to speaker echoing, how to fix it depends on what the echo sounds like. That's a quick way of figuring out which diagnostic path will likely be the issue.

Why Is Your Computer Speaker Echoing?

The first step when you hear a computer speaker echo is understanding your possible causes. That allows you to figure out tests that troubleshoot the issue. Most computer speaker echoing is caused by the microphone settings.

Some echoing can be caused by speaker malfunction. It has a distinctly different sound than echoing caused by microphone feedback, often muffled and quieter than expected. Echoing caused by a microphone picking up speaker input tends to be amplified and clear.

Echoing can also be caused by some sound settings if you use custom graphic equalizer settings to simulate environmental sounds when you play music. Before you search for "how to fix my speaker on my computer" through the internet, it helps to know what kind of echo you are dealing with because your troubleshooting process will change a lot from one to the next.

How To Troubleshoot Your Speakers

If you use custom sound profiles, you should know how to fix the issue. Just turn them off. If you do not use them and there is no one using your computer who might, then it's nothing to worry about. It is easier to confirm the microphone involvement for hardware issues than to rule out all the possible hardware factors.

You can count on software factors being one of two things. Either enhancements like ambient noise canceling cause it, or it is caused by microphone sensitivity and output levels. You can easily check for both simultaneously; enhancements are the fastest to resolve. How to fix a computer speaker depends on what kind of computer you have.

Steps To Fixing on a Mac

Once you know where to go, Apple makes tweaking these settings on a Mac easy. Start by opening up System Preferences on your Launchpad. A box labeled "Use ambient noise reduction" should be checked. Uncheck it. If unchecked, the issue could be your microphone input or output levels.

Reducing input makes it less likely that it will pick up your speakers. Reducing output makes it less possible that the speaker noise it picks up will be audible. Both require you to speak louder, so adjust them slowly in balance until the issue gets resolved.

Steps To Fixing on Windows

Open your Settings; it should be pinned to the taskbar or Start menu. If all else fails, you can use the search bar to find it. Click on Sound when you get Settings open. There should be input settings midway down the page. Click on the arrow next to the active device to open its properties. Under audio enhancements, disable all of them. Then, if you still hear echoing, tweak the input and output settings to reduce the chance of picking up speaker noise.

Upgrade Your Videoconferencing Experience

Issues like speaker echo, lighting, and other bumps in the road are common experiences if you do a lot of videoconferencing. If you want to reduce them, it's a matter of investing in the right tools because there are always extras you can activate to make your conferencing software work for you. You just need to look for them.


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