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Guide to Creating a Professional Email Signature

Professional email signatures are often overlooked as a powerful marketing tool in the digital age. It’s not only about presenting a professional image. Your email signature has a lot of benefits, from ensuring the recipient that you’re a real person to making a great first impression. Let’s discuss some benefits and what to include in an email signature.

Why You Need an Email Signature

The average person receives around 130 emails per day. Many of those emails might be spam or phishing attempts that get deleted. It can be challenging to sort through what emails are legitimate and what aren’t. Your professional email signature is like your business card. It lets the reader learn more about you and verify your existence within your company or industry. An email signature builds trust with the recipient. Here are a few other benefits.

  1. Share content through your email signature or include a link to a special promotion.

  2. Market your brand through your email signature. It’s just one more way to promote your business in a non-sales way. Using a uniform email signature across your company promotes consistency.

  3. Improve customer service. Your signature can make a short, curt email seem less abrupt by including a “thank you for your message” phrase. It will save you time by including important information that the recipient may need or can use for future contact.

What to Include in Your Email Signature

Your email signature is more than your name and title. You should include your contact information by phone, Zoom, or text. Consider including professional links to your social media accounts or those of the company. Many people include professional trade association memberships or other certifications that demonstrate authority and expertise in the industry. Your email signature can also include your logo or a headshot so people have a face to put with the name. Also include a short message or a call to action that warms your email. Just be aware that you don’t want an email signature that is overly complicated or includes too much information.

How to Create One

Creating an email signature depends on which email platform you use. In most platforms, you’ll look for the settings icon to find the signature section. You may also use an email signature generator that integrates with your email platform. Find the help menu in your email to get specific directions.

Examples of Professional Email Signatures

You’ll find dozens of professional email signature examples online. It’s very easy to customize your email signature within your branding guidelines. Here are some best practices.

Keep it simple.

Don’t overwhelm the reader. Limit your email signature to the most critical information and contact methods. You may not even have to include your email, just your website. Don’t link to every social media channel. Two or three is enough. Don’t get crazy with lots of colors and fonts.

Use a color photo.

People remember photos with people in them. If you use a photo, make it a color headshot that gets noticed. Color is preferred over black and white. The point is to stand out, so make it memorable and professional.

Include one link to the content.

If you have a blog post or video that showcases what you do, include it in your signature. It will be a great marketing tool not only for your company but also for you. Avoid inspirational quotes or generic content.

An email signature is a great way to showcase your experience, authority, and trustworthiness when you do it right and use it consistently. Learn more about branding through Zoom calls and emails.


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